Oh my

— feeling wink
Soulless - Gail Carriger, Gail Carriger

When I picked this book up, on my online library, I expected nothing really. I had this idea that this book was for the really young teenagers. Perhaps around 13-14 years old. It certainly is not... Just a warning. Now that that is out of the way let me try to express what I feel about this book. How it made me crack up with uncontrollably laughter because of the dry, sneaky comments, how I want a werewolf like Maccon just because he is so absolutely adorable, how Alexia never does what is expected of her and how she manages to piss everyone of around her while still being the cutest. I think it is pretty safe to say that I am excited for this book and how it turned out. So excited in fact that I can not wait for to read the next one!